
Thanks to electing a pro-education legislative majority in 2022, we have made great strides on behalf of educators and our students, including:

Please contribute to MEA-PAC so we can keep up the momentum! We must protect our narrow majority in the Legislature in this November’s election — or else all of the progress we’ve made could be wiped away. Voluntary contributions from MEA members are used to support candidates who value public education and labor rights — like those who voted to value our students, respect our educators, and fund our schools.

Did You Know:

Every two years, MEA members discuss and approves MEA’s Legislative Priorities, which guides our work in Lansing.  Read the current document and provide your comments for future legislative sessions.

Learn more about MEA legislative activities at MEA.org/legislation, including how you can make your voice heard on key issues like the state education budget, health insurance costs, and restoring quality retirement for educators.